Saturday, May 12, 2012

Square Foot Garden!

I wanted to show you all my square foot garden. You see those ones out there made out of wood, but I wanted to be different. I needed  a garden box where I don't have to bend over cause, well, I don't want to hurt my back and plus I am way too big to get down on my knees. So I thought and thought and finally it came to me.... a garage door! One panel of garage door hit me at the knee..  yes, I am that short! 



We had a 16 foot door panel that we cut into fourths. My wonderful hubby also cut a pressure treated 4x4 into fourths also. We then drilled the door onto the 4x4's leaving about 6 inches of the 4x4 out of the bottom. Then we dug wholes in the yard where we wanted to put the garden, put the 4x4's in the whole and then filled the garden half way up with dirt.
 We have 2 huge mounds of dirt in the backyard so finding dirt was easy peasy. We filled the rest of it up with garden grow planting soil and then planted our tomatoes and cumcumbers!
Now we just need to find a few more garage doors for the rest of my veggies!

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