Saturday, May 12, 2012

Beastly Bush!

We have this wild rose bush that grows on the corner of our house. We have to cut it back all the time and when we don't it grows huge and wild..hence the name wild rose bush huh?! We bought a cheap $10 trellis from Walmart, but the beast of a bush knocked it down. We knew then that we needed a stronger, more durable trellis.
We looked at them, but I was not about to pay $50 dollars for one. We had a broken screen door that was just sitting there and one day I actually "looked" at it and noticed that the wrought iron decorative piece would be a great trellis.
Soo with the help of my awesome hubby we dug two holes and placed two pressure treated 4x4's in the ground and cemented them in. Then we just drilled the decorative piece right on the wood. Total cost: $20. Total time: 3 hours. 
Take that beastly bush!!!

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