Wednesday, September 19, 2012

School and Stress

I have decided to go back to school and have been back part time for 2 years now. I just realized I still have 2 more years. Grr!! I wish I was done. This semiester I am taking 3 classes so that is better than just part time, but with having two jobs, the paper route, a calling at church that takes up Wednesday nights AND 4 kids... I am feeling a little overwelmed. I have been blessed with great kids who do a ton of babysitting for me so that makes things a lot easier. I am taking a family fiance class, natural disaster and math 1050. To tell you the truth the most stressful of them all is the finance class. I am going a little crazy and hyperventalating over how much money I should have saved by now to be able to retire. Retire!?! I haven't even begun to work yet and I am supposed to have tens of thousands of dollars saved by now. I have a total of maybe 5 in the account right now. GRR!! Hopefully someday...

OK. Enough of the pity party. I need to get back to homework. Someday I will be smarter than a 1st grader!

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