Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tattoos and Moustaches!

So we are a little silly tonight and Donnovan found some moustache tattoos that I got and he wanted to wear them. So I thought it would be funny to put them on the girls also. Dad already had his own moustache and tattoo so he didn't want anymore. Ryan was too busy playing with his video game to join in in our fun.
This is Emalee and her Villian Moustache.
This is Kiersten and her Investagator Moustache.
And here is Dad's tattoo!! It is the CTR crest on his ankle. He got this tattoo while on his mission. I know, I know... your all thinking "what?!" Yep while serving a mission he wanted to have something to remind him of his choices and his beliefs, so he got the Choose the Right crest tattooed on himself. Don't know if that was the right choice, do you?!

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