Friday, March 30, 2012

Em Turns 6!

My little girl Emalee turns six. I am so excited! She is growing up so much. (It makes me feel old) So ever since I found that evil site, Pinterest, I have been pinning ideas. I decided that I wanted her to have a Rapunzel Birthday party. She had to be talked into it since she wanted a Princess Tiana party. Luckily it didn't take too much convincing to get her to come to my side. I found so many great ideas from here and here and had so much fun doing it all.
I made the invitations and I think they turned out pretty cute and actually had to ask one of our cousins to give it back because I forgot to keep one for the scrapbook.

We had a lot of fun making the Pin the Nose of Flynn Rider Game. We borrowed a projector from Mert ( why she has one I don't know, but I'm glad). After I got done copying him to a poster board, Kiersten, Emalee and Donnovan had fun making a nose on him. Silly kids!

Here is Flynn at the Party. We had the kids draw a nose on paper and cut it out. Then we played Pin the Nose. I was fun. They had a great time, until Ryan started cheating and trying to feel where everyone elses noses were, so I then moved them off the board.

We had fun decorating. Since Grandma's house has a flat back yard we asked her if she would host it and luckily she loves me enough to have it there. We hung yellow crate paper to kind of mimic hair. We made some crafts and one of them was making lanterns out of foam paper, or a sheet of foam, I don't know which one to call it. I like the sound of sheet of foam so I'll go with that.
Anyway, We had the kids take a sheet of foam, fold it hot dog style and cut on the fold making slits it in. Then opened it up and glued it into a cylinder. Added sticky foam peices and a handle and.. voila... lanterns.( You can see them sitting on the table in the living room.)

I asked my awesome,creative, wonderful sister in law to make us her coloful cupcakes. They are pink, purple and yellow and sooo delicious!! She is amazing. We then decided to put the ice cream in little cups also. I loved the idea of having the food presented in the frying pan so we hauled out Dad's heavy duty cast iron ones, trying to not let Donnovan hit people over the head with them. I think it turned out kind cute.

We made these pascals as a craft project also. We tried to glue them, but the kids were getting impatient to play with them so we pulled out grandmas stapler and went to town. The eyes are sticky back so then the craft went much faster.

We had some fun outdoor games for the kids to play. One of them was "try to get untangled". My mom had these "lovely" chair lawn decorations. You might think that I planned the chairs to represent the chair that Flynn Rider gets tied to in the movie. Well, to be completely honest... I did. Grandma's had these chairs for about 5 years in her back yard and as soon as I thought about this party I knew I wanted to use them somehow.
 So we placed them in a retangle, cut up a yellow plastic table cloth into strips,  and made a whole bunch of crisscrosses. The kids had fun trying to go over and under it.

I have more to show you, but for some reason I have to go an feed the Donnovan. So I will post more of her birthday party later.