I have to tell you that Emalee has the most expensive bead and locket. In October, Emalee thought it would be funny(?) to stick a triangle clear plastic bead up her nose. We ened up having to take her to the ER. Tried to go to the urgent care first, but they would not see her. They said that with that kind of thing, you have to be seen at the ER. So, we went to the ER! Our nurse was cute little Pam Giles. She was sooo good to Miss Em. When the doctor came in, he had a really hard time seeing that clear bead up her noes. He first had me cover one side of her nose and blow into her mouth, hoping that it would push it out. NO SUCH LUCK!
So he tried using tweezers and forceps to pull it out, but again, no such luck. He went out of the room and came back with a paper clip! A PAPER CLIP!! He unfolded it and tried to hook the bead but still could not do it. After about 10 minutes of trying, he decided to call in the big guns. Within 15 minutes Dr. Peter Ventura was there. He is the local ENT, and with his trusty dusty head lamp and cool magnifying thingie, he pulled that bead out within seconds!!!
We spent a total of 2 1/1 hours and $150 dollars at the ER. The insurance was billed $847! Talk about expensive bead huh!?! WAIT!!!That's not all! I have to tell you about the expensive locket.
So on Wednesday this week (jan 25th) while at work, Kiersten calls me in a complete panic. "Emalee just swallowed her locket!!" Yes, that's right... my 5 year old swallowed her locket that she got free with a book order she just got the day before.
Of course the first thing I do is laugh, then I ask if she ok. Tells you a lot about me if I laugh at my own child and then ask if she ok. Kiersten says that she won't talk and that she says it hurts to swallow. So, I call my boss tell her I had to leave early, and run home to get my daughter.
On the way home I call the doctor and the urgent care and both tell me they again won't see her. SOOOO we end up back at the ER. By the time I get her there she says her chest hurts now. By the time the doctor walks in, her belly hurts and by the time we get to x-ray she's fine. The x-ray showed that the locket had already moved down into her bowels. So from the time she swallowed to the time she got an x-ray, about an hour and a half, she was fine. Just hoping everything comes out ok.tehehe
Again, it has cost us another $150, and thats just our part. Kinda wondering how much their gonna bill the insurance for this time.
So, now that is the worlds most expensive plastic bead and free locket ever!